About Nikola Tesla

Scientist and Humanitarian

“A new world must be born, a world that would justify sacrifices offered by humanity. This new world must be a world in which there shall be no exploitation of the weak by the strong, of the good by the evil; where there will be no humiliation of the poor by the violence of the rich; where the products of intellect, science and art will serve society for the betterment and beautification of life, and not individuals for achieving wealth.”

-Nikola Tesla

Tesla’s theory on 369 Hz Frequency

So what is the 369 Hz frequency, and why is it so important? Well, according to Tesla, it is the “key to the universe” and holds the secrets of energy, vibration, and resonance.

To understand the significance of these numbers, we need to start by examining the fundamental building blocks of the universe. Everything in the universe is made up of energy, which vibrates at different frequencies. These vibrations can be measured and quantified using numbers.

One of the most important numbers in this context is 3. This number represents the basic structure of the universe, as it is made up of three dimensions — length, width, and height. These dimensions are what allow us to perceive the physical world around us.

The number 6, on the other hand, represents the way energy is structured in the universe. It is the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom, which are the basic building blocks of matter. The properties of matter, like its weight, color, and ability to conduct electricity, depend on how these particles are arranged.

The number 9 is particularly interesting, as it represents the highest level of vibration in the universe. It is the number that all other numbers collapse into, as it is the final digit in the decimal system. This number represents the highest level of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment, which is why it holds such a special place in many spiritual traditions.

This excerpt comes from the site medium.com and contains much more information about Tesla's theory regarding the 369 frequency.

In a 1931 interview, Nikola Tesla said that, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

What book is Tesla reading here?

Tesla is reading the Theory of Natural Philosophy by Roger Boscovich…About Humanity

“Imagine a world where the untamed power of nature is harnessed not for destruction but for the betterment of humanity.” ~Nikola Tesla

We’ve been working with Nikola Lonchar, President and Founder of the Tesla Science Foundation, to represent Nikola Tesla as accurately as possible and preserve his legacy.

The Tesla Bio electric Therapy

Tesla experimented with using electrical currents to treat various medical conditions, believing that bio electric therapy could promote healing and well-being. This concept has influenced modern electrotherapy techniques used in physical therapy and pain management.

The Electrified Armor

Tesla proposed developing electrified armor for military and law enforcement use. This armor would use high-voltage currents to repel projectiles and protect the wearer from harm. Although it was never realized, this concept has inspired modern research into advanced body armor and personal protection systems.

More info about Tesla, click the arrows to find out more!

  • Nikola was born on July 10, during a summer storm with lightning. The midwife commented, ‘He'll be a child of the storm’, to which Djuka replied, ‘No, a child of light’.

  • He studied engineering at the Graz Polytechnic School Joanneum, for two full years and the fall term of the third.

  • Nikola was employed in the Central Telephone Office. Tesla's first invention was a device for voice amplification on the telephone.

  • Nikola Tesla discovered the principle of creating a rotating magnetic field with alternating current!

  • After founding The Tesla Electric CO. he built his first polyphase induction motors and generators.

  • Alternating Current Power Plant at World's Fair, Chicago. Tesla demonstrates the safety of AC electricity by passing high frequency AC through his body.

  • The Hydroelectric plant was based on Tesla's patents. The first kilowatts were transmitted from Niagara to the city of Buffalo.

  • Tesla moved to Colorado Springs to study the conductive nature of low pressure air, part of his research into wireless transmission of electrical power.

  • Tesla's Laboratory included a Transmission Tower which was also known as the Wardenclyffe Tower. The Wardenclyffe Tower was destroyed in 1917.

  • During one of his regular walks through the streets of New York he was hit by a car. He was severely injured and took several months to recover. The injury made it impossible to maintain his carefully nurtured rhythm of life and contributed to his gradual weakening and eventual death.

  • On January 7th, 1943 Nikola Tesla died in room #3327 on the 33rd floor of the Hotel New Yorker in New York city.

To find out even more about Nikola Tesla, click the links below.